April 15, 2014


Pinterest is a social media site that has became very popular. It can be described as an online bulletin board where you can save or "pin" projects, ideas, picture, or anything really to a "board" or a category.

A social media site such as this can be useful in many ways. Pinterest is a great tool to use in classrooms and can be utilized in several different ways. You can find lesson plans, activities, videos, websites, etc. to use for students. The students could create their own Pinterest account and save specific pins related to the subject being studied. The student could even find a project on Pinterest and complete the project to turn in.

I myself had a Pinterest based lesson to complete. The assignment was create an assignment for the grade we plan to teach in the future while using Pinterest as an aid. We were to make a board and save pins to it that related to our subject are we chose. I chose an ecosystem based on frameworks for fourth grade life science. Below is a link to the project I created from a collaboration of pins that I found.


Here is the actual project that I completed.

Materials Needed:

  • 3 empty and clear 2-liter bottles
  • clear packing tape
  • aquarium gravel (or fine, rinsed pea gravel)
  • water
  • de-chlorinator (optional)
  • rubber band
  • 4-inch square piece of netting (I used pantyhose)
  • soil
  • mustard, rye or alfalfa seeds
  • fish, snails or other aquatic life (i added ghost shrimp)
  • elodea or other aquarium plants
  • crickets, pill bugs or earthworms
  • a couple dead leaves or small sticks

1. Create a picture/diagram representation of the following procedures.

2. Cut the top off of the first clear bottle (make sure the labels are removed, you'll need the bottles clear so the sunlight can get through). Don't cut it too short, just cut off the spout so you have enough of a bowl left over to fill with water. This will be your "bottom floor."

3. Cut the top and the bottom off of the second clear bottle, making a clear cylinder that will eventually link the two other sections together.

4. Cut the bottom off of the third clear bottle and save it. You will reattach the bottom with tape later. This will be your "top floor."

5. In the bottom floor (the one you cut up in Step 1) put an inch of aquarium gravel, add your aquatic plant, and fill it with water. Make sure it's treated with de-chlorinator to take out the chlorine or, if you do not have any, you can set out the water in a shallow pan for 24 hours and the chlorine will evaporate. (Label the gravel and plant from this step in the diagram)

6. Place your guests in their new home. You will each add two guppies (fish), three snails, and one ghost shrimp. (Label all of you guest in the diagram)

7. Now fill your top floor. Place the piece of netting or pantyhose over the neck of the bottle and secure it with the rubber band. With the bottle upside-down and the bottom off fill with about an inch of gravel then with a couple inches of soil and plant your choice of seeds. Alfalfa, rye or mustard work well and are easily found in health food stores. (Label the gravel, soil, and seeds.

8. Choose your top floor guests. You can use pill bugs, earthworm, or crickets. Let them loose among the grass seeds and throw in a few dead leaves and a stick or two for decomposition. (Label all of your guest and any sticks or leaves used)

9. Return the bottom to your top floor as a final lid to your ecosystem. Secure it with packing tape. Be sure to make the edges of the lid fit inside of the bottle to prevent moisture leaking out.

10. Place in a spot to where sunlight can easily reach the ecosystem.

March 18, 2014

My Life Plan

My ultimate plan is to follow Gods will in my life. If that means that I have to give up something I want or the plans I have already made, then so be it. I have learned from experience that when I give God control, it always works better rather than myself trying to control it. After seeing this firsthand I had no excuse to deny what he was doing in my life. 

As of now my life plan is as follows:

  • Get married
  • Travel to many places
  • Graduate with my teaching degree
  • Get my first job as a kindergarten teacher
  • Buy a home at some point
  • Start a family
  • Eventually become a stay at home mommy
  • Make a bucket list and complete it
More is to come on these topics. Just sharing some general thoughts in my head. 

College Life

I am currently a student at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, AR. Even though I am a sophomore, this is my first semester here. I recently transferred from Arkansas State University. As much as I loved ASU, it was not logical for me to stay there. For example, every year it became more expensive, I have a wedding to plan and pay for, HSU is less that half the cost of ASU, and HSU it is closer to home. So now I am here and falling in love with this school. 

At times, I miss being at my other school. I miss my friends and organizations that I was involved with. Then I think about the influence ASU had on my life leading me to where I am today and I am thankful for it. 

March 17, 2014

Meet My Mom

This, ladies and gents, is my mom. Not my adoptive mom, but my real mom. My looks are ALL from my dad and I gained my personality from my mom. Kim Kimball is her name, but I still call her mom. She can be quiet the character.
You know when you're somewhere and you see that one lady who is super happy, with a temporary tattoo on her neck, who keeps dancing in the middle of the a crowd and you just know that she has to be intoxicated? Yep! That's my mom but minus the alcohol. Regardless I love her just the same and I am thankful to be her daughter. 

Welcome to My Baby

Hello blogging world. My name is Sarah Weatherford, nice to meet you. I am a new member to this whole blogging concept and that is why I have called it my “baby.” It may seem small and simple now but I will nurture it, love it, and take care of it until it is complex and mature. Actually, I had to create a blog for a technology class. I have always wanted to start something different and this assignment was the perfect excuse to do so. As you can see the title of my blog is “In the Flesh,” and let me tell you that naming this blog was the hardest part. I wanted something that wasn't very common yet fun and fitting to my theme. I spent hours brainstorming different names. “In the Flesh,” was essentially the first name I thought of while our teacher, Mrs. Benton, was explaining the assignment. After my exhausting search to find the absolute, perfect name I realized I had it right the first time. Wahl-La! My Baby was born.

There are a few reasons as to why I stuck with this blog name.
  • It portrays my theme for the blog flawlessly
  • Is is catchy, (at least in my opinion)
  • It is not too widely used elsewhere
  • Zombies seem to be a pretty popular topic. They eat flesh. So maybe people will think this blog is about zombies and come have a look-see.

Okay, I was joking about the last one, but hey it could potentially work. Fingers crossed.

The saying, in the flesh, is defined as ‘in person rather than via a telephone, a movie, the written word, or other means.’ (*But Sarah, a blog is through words and pictures*….Yes. Yes I know! Just go with it.) I want to share the struggles and sparkles I face while trying to maintain a healthy relationship with Christ; which can also be associated with “In the Flesh” in the sense of relating to the world and physical aspects rather than the spiritual. I know what you are thinking. *Oh no, this is another one of those pushy Christian people, who try to tell me how to live life and post millions of spiritual stuff to make me feel bad.* However, I WILL NOT DO THAT. Yes I will make Christ oriented post but in a tasteful manner. Likewise, most items will be about my own personal testimony and what I have learned from experience and studying the bible. This blog is centered on my life and my faith is a big part, so I feel it is appropriate to share.

There you have it. My blog in a nut shell.